In doing so, he may gratify his emotional needs and engender enthusiasm among his core supporters, but he will be digging himself into an ever-deeper hole. The chances are that he will spin out of control and continue his war of words with Hillary and Bill. Trump is so much more enthusiastic about - and better at - the give and take of a political punch-fest. The problem is that detailing these positions and delivering the policy pronouncements in reasoned, specific speeches require a lot of work and focus. He needs to explain how he would push for giving parents the leeway to send their children, at state expense, to the public, charter, private, or church school of their choice.

His embrace of school choice adds a dimension to the education debate that is attractive to inner-city minority voters. without further aggravating relations between the police and their communities. He should explain what policies he would adopt to stem what he condemns as the rising tide of crime in the U.S. He must be specific about how he will stop companies from leaving the U.S. He has to elaborate his position on climate change, making clear that the main culprit is China and that without getting tough with Beijing, unilateral American action will do little. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. He needs to explain how he would replace Obamacare while keeping the consumer protections most people value, such as barring denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, covering children through age 26 on their parents’ policies, and prohibiting premium increases or policy cancellation if you get sick. Now Trump must answer the question by bringing forth a range of positive opinions and proposals for change. On the other hand, Trump has successfully made clear that his presidency would be a major departure from the past. And, with only 27 per cent of Americans reporting that they think the country is on the right track, that’s not a good place for a candidate to be. The one thing Trump has achieved is to make it clear that a Hillary presidency would be, in effect, Obama’s third term - a continuation of past policies.

They have had enough of the assaults on each candidate’s character and now want to know what, if anything, is in it for them. Voters want the election to pivot to a discussion of who would do what for the American people. But to continue in the same vein would be a big mistake. Trump may have nullified part of his self-created negative image by his debate performance. Jonathan Kay: What sort of sorry locker room does Donald Trump hang out in?.Barbara Kay: Hillary Clinton cleans up better.

By actually bringing Bill’s and her victims to the debate and letting them tell their stories in a pre-debate press conference, he upped the ante and made his points stick. He made the dividing line between action and mere talk even clearer by comparing his locker-room demeaning of women with Hillary’s record of savaging the women who were her husband’s victims and noting that her purpose in doing so was not to divorce Bill or curb his conduct, but to threaten the women and cow them into silence so he could be elected. In effect, he asked how she could have defended her husband from impeachment for having sex with a 23-year-old woman while saying Trump’s dirty talk on tape should bar him fro the presidency. He put his revolting characterizations of women into perspective by comparing them with Hillary’s defence of Bill’s conduct and her attacks on women involved with her husband. In the Sunday-night debate, Trump managed something of a recovery. Activate your Online Access Now Article content If you are a Home delivery print subscriber, unlimited online access is included in your subscription.